Start 2/5/2000 |
HOME>センター高得点への道>全統マーク模試 "第1回全統マーク模試対策TA演習(その1)" 2)以下の問題の正解部が(空所)になっている。文字指定、文字数指定に従い、復元せよ。 第2問 次の問い(A〜C)に答えよ。(配点 38) A 次の問(問1〜10)の(7)〜(16)に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下 の@〜Cのうちから一つずつ選べ。 問1 I want make a phone call but only have a five-dollar bill. I need some change(7). @ (ch----) A small cash B little money C return 問2 Tetsuya didn’t hear the doorbell when his visitors arrived, because he (8) a shower. @ has been taking A (---) (------) B took C has taken 問3 “What do you think of Mr. Owen’s proposal for cutting costs in the factory?” “I like this idea, but I don’t think it will (9) very well. ” @ (---k) A spend B match C come 問4 John’s mother wanted to go shopping, so she asked him (10) his little brother while she was out. @ if he looked after A he would look after B looking after C (--) (----) (-----) 問5 Our PE teacher, a (11) professional basketball player, is coaching the school team. @ previous A late B once C (f-----) 問6 “Is Satoko still writing her research paper?” “Well, I think she’s (12) finished it.” @ now and then A one after another B (----) (--) (l---) C one by one 問7 “Frank drives much too fast. Someday he’ll have a terrible accident.” “Oh,(13)” @ I don’t hope so A I (----) (---) B I’m not afraid so C I’m afraid not 問8 If you (14) the book you ordered by tomorrow, please let us know. @ wouldn’t receive A haven’t (--------) B won’t receive C didn’t receive 問9 Fortunately, bus services are now back to (15) after yesterday’s strike. @ common A ordinary B (n-----) C regular 問10 Social science,(16) in 1998, is no longer taught at this college. @ study the subject A having studied B the (s-----t) I studied C I have studied 第1回全統マーク模試対策TA演習その2へ センター高得点への道 |