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Start 2/5/2000



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第6問 次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。(配点45)

When I was an eight-year-old girl, I was taken for my first music
lesson. Ms. Grozinska, the teacher, was a plain, elderly woman and her
apartment was thick with dust. But in the corner stood a magnificent grand
piano, and when Ms. Grodzinska sat down to play a simple melody for me, I
was amazed to hear such beauty come from under her fingers. As she played,
she altered from a plain woman to someone whose movement were as harmonious
as the sounds she was creating. I knew at once that I wanted to be able to
bring forth sounds like that.
Piano lessons were part of my parents’ ambition for me to have the
better things in life. Musicians in Poland have sacred status, and having
musical talent is an avenue of success open to all. As a first step toward
fame, I was taken for a musical hearing test, and felt the shame of failing
most of it. Later, though, one of my music teachers told me about the
importance of “inner ear” ― the ability to hear feelingly. In this, I
turned out to be better.
Of course, like many children, I hated practicing. It was extremely
dull to go through the finger exercises endlessly, but as soon as I was
given parts of real pieces I learned them with enthusiasm. I didn’t wonder
about what they should sound like ― I seemed to know. Music seemed to me
as clear as words. At the end of twelve months of lessons, Ms.Gronzinska
said to me, “Eva, you have talent.”
It was decided at once that I should train as a professional pianist,
and I immediately entered Cracow Music School. It was an old school that
combined a basic curriculum with a full musical education. Inside, the
atmosphere was warm with the sounds of violins, red-faced kids running
around the narrow hallways, and the heat of competition. We wore a uniform,
which hid social inequalities but the degree of everyone’s talent was
judged constantly.
A performance, of course, was the peak toward which all the students
worked. At the end of my first year at music school, I gave my first public
performance and I approached it with all the calmness of inexperience. When
it was time to play, I felt such joy that I knew nothing could go wrong. I
seemed not to be playing but listening to the music as it poured out of my
fingers. It was a happy moment.
But it was also the last time that I enjoyed such an innocent calm.
From then on performing became more self-conscious, and more difficult. My
childish fearlessness had gone and I had to work harder to get the
necessary combination of will and relaxation.
The time I worked hardest was shortly before my family moved to
Canada, when I was seventeen. Usually, the school resisted making stars of
us, but they decided to make an exception to their policy and allowed me to
give a whole concert by myself. This was a frightening idea―to get through
so many pieces without losing my nerve and concentration―and in
preparation I started practicing like mad. I practiced until my fingers
hurt. I practiced to make absolutely sure that I wouldn’t shame myself. I
practiced until my teacher told me to slow down.
I was more terrified than I had ever been as I sat backstage waiting
to go on, and I got through the program not in that simple joy of my first
performance, but through powerful focusing of mind and will. Afterward,
though, I had my full reward. My friends were particularly generous with
praise, and, most exciting of all, my classmate’s elder pianist-brother, came to tell me how well I'd done and kissed me in an unmistakably adult way. For one glorious moment, music, admiration, and romance all came together, just like they're supposed to be.

A 次の問い(問1〜5)に対する答えとして最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の@〜C

問1 Why did Eva’s parents decide to take her to Ms. Grodzinska? (43)

@ In Poland, musicians are highly respected.
A Eva said she wanted piano lessons.
B In Poland, only rich children become musicians.
C Eva had already shown musical talent.

問2 What made Eva first decide that she wanted to learn the piano?(44)

@ She wanted to be rich and successful.
A She thought the piano music was beautiful.
B She liked her famous teacher, Ms. Grodzinska.
C She admired the grand piano in the room.

問3 Why did Eva’s first public performance go smoothly?(45)

@ Her time to practice for the concert had been limited.
A She played only parts of easy pieces.
B Her inexperience prevented her from worrying.
C She played for her fellow students.

問4 What made Eva practice so hard for her final concert at Cracow Music

@ She was leaving for Canada soon.
A She had an opportunity to give a solo concert.
B She had to play a difficult piece.
C She was told to practice hard by the teacher.

問5 What was the most thrilling thing about the final concert for Eva?

@ She was praised by many of her friends.
A She was admired by a young pianist.
B She did not make any mistakes.
C She did not feel nervous at all.

B 本文の内容と合っているものを、次の@〜Gのうちから三つ選べ。ただし、解答

@ When Eva took a musical hearing test, she did well.
A Eva entered Cracow Music School at the age of nine.
B At Cracow Music School, they wore a uniform to maintain social class
C Eva gave her first public performance at the end of her first year at
Cracow Music School.
D At every performance she gave, Eva had difficulty in controlling her
E Eva practiced hard for the final concert, until the teacher told her to
do less.
F At the final concert, Eva found it easy to concentrate and to finish
the pieces.
G The boy kissed Eva only to tell her how well she played her music.