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Start 2/5/2000

HOME > センター実戦問題 >短文の空所補充



(1) We want to(空欄)in English.

1. make oneself understand
2. make oneself understood
3. make ourselves understand
4. make ourselves understood
>See Answer.

(2) The (空欄)was a dog barking in the distance.

1. sound only to hear
2. only sound to be heard
3. only sound to have heard
4. sound only to have been heard

>See Answer.

(3) A study shows that Japanese women bow more often than men and their bows last one-and-a half seconds, on average,(空欄) for men.

1. less than one second compared to
2. one second less than compared to
3. compared to one second less than
4. compared to less than one second

>See Answer.


We want to make ourselves understood in English.


make oneself undestood


The only sound to be heard was a dog barking in the distance.


The only sound to be heard
= the only sound which was heard

a dog barking in the distance
= a dog which was barking in the distance

A study shows that Japanese women bow more often than men and their bows last one-and-a half seconds, on average , compared to less than one second for men.
compare A to B

1. AをBにたとえる(頻出)
 We often compare life to a voyage[a journey].
 =Life is often compared to a voyage[a journey].

2. =compare A with B

2の意味では知らない人も多いだろう。だが、「消去法の徹底」で割り切ってやると、すぐ解ける!受験界では、「AとBを比較する」はcompare A with B だが、NHKの語学テキストなどでは頻出。

1. more than ⇔ less than〜「〜未満」
2. 「一秒未満」はless than one second
3. 「〜に比較されると」はcompare to しかない
4. 結局解答は、 compared to less than one second for men
5. compared to less than〜は分詞構文。
=being compared to less than〜
=if they [their bows = the bows of Japanese women]are compared to less than〜
